
What is Vocation?

 Yeap, I'll start by admitting that my "Hey look at me I'm back, I'm back" post was kind of a letdown, seeming as there's been almost a month since I wrote anything from that point...
  So, these past weeks I've been doing some serious thinking...no real theme, just thinking, the kind of thinking you do when you have a lot of time on your hands and nothing to do with it, the result was...ominous to say the least, as it always seems to happen.
  This week my school's assembly material was based on the idea of a "Holy Vocation", or a preset goal in your life that you are supposed to achieve at some point in your life ( If not throughout it, excuse my "relativeness") 
  Now, this assembly was placed around the idea of religion more than anything, particularly the Roman-Catholic side of view, but the whole idea of a vocation made me think.
In my case "vocation" is a very vague term right now, I can't really understand if Vocation refers to the feeling of "being on the right track" or just the notion of finding the mentioned path.
To be honest, I don't care about vocations or finding my predestined road because I think "hey, if it's meant to happen, it will"...(even though I am completely clueless about where this life of mine is heading to right now(maybe cuz I'm fifteen, derpa-hurp)).
  And now for some appropriate music =)))
