And here it is ladies and gentlemen, The Royal Wedding!!!
But let's be honest, how many people out of the hundreds that will get drunk today really care about the wedding? I'm not talking about the wedding in this post because I find it pretty interesting myself. I will, however talk about what English people do when they ain't got a clue what they should do: They get drunk.
It's not a crime or anything that anyone couldn't understand but it's somewhat strange that where everyone respects a thousand-years old custom, they decide that getting drunk is the best way through. The only explanation why they don't get any liver disease is that they are genetically resistant to alcohol, meaning they've been doing it for quite a while.
Well I am supposed to talk about hypocrisy...and I am. I do so because I am myself a hypocrite, I am enjoying their holiday even though I wouldn't do it if I wasn't living in England now...I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get drunk but...hey at least there are gonna be enough people to make fun of...oh well on this I must end, I am supposed to get to a party round a friend of mine but he forgot to tell me where i should go...See you in a bit!
that's not me (or mine for that matter) |
It's not a crime or anything that anyone couldn't understand but it's somewhat strange that where everyone respects a thousand-years old custom, they decide that getting drunk is the best way through. The only explanation why they don't get any liver disease is that they are genetically resistant to alcohol, meaning they've been doing it for quite a while.
Well I am supposed to talk about hypocrisy...and I am. I do so because I am myself a hypocrite, I am enjoying their holiday even though I wouldn't do it if I wasn't living in England now...I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get drunk but...hey at least there are gonna be enough people to make fun of...oh well on this I must end, I am supposed to get to a party round a friend of mine but he forgot to tell me where i should go...See you in a bit!
Have you ever listened to something that just makes you...freeze? Not in a bad way ofc...It would be kinda strange to make a post about that kind of music...although I'll post some of those songs too.
Anyway, the first song of that kind that I heard was Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin...(I was 9 at the time) I just froze, unable to move or to pay attention to anything else for the full 8 minutes of the song. That's also how I decided I want to play guitar...3 years later I did start and I learned how to play the song. Many followed ...one of them is Promises by Megadeth...just found out about it and I wanted to share it.
The second type of 'soul song' is the kind that just makes you think if you chose the wrong type of music...or something like that...it's really hard to explain but those who heard one know what I mean. For me, they're mainly death/black metal songs like Silence calls the storm or Nemesis or Walk with me in hell. They just melt your brain without giving you any chance to fight back O_o ... I still love them though.
The third and last one is that type of music that is SO STUPID it makes your gut bubble, your nose swell, your eyes start to get runny and your tongue magically transforms into a 10 ton anvil. Yeah...it doesn't have to be good...just mindblowingly bad or stupefactiously creepy, check this out...
Anyway, the first song of that kind that I heard was Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin...(I was 9 at the time) I just froze, unable to move or to pay attention to anything else for the full 8 minutes of the song. That's also how I decided I want to play guitar...3 years later I did start and I learned how to play the song. Many followed ...one of them is Promises by Megadeth...just found out about it and I wanted to share it.
The second type of 'soul song' is the kind that just makes you think if you chose the wrong type of music...or something like that...it's really hard to explain but those who heard one know what I mean. For me, they're mainly death/black metal songs like Silence calls the storm or Nemesis or Walk with me in hell. They just melt your brain without giving you any chance to fight back O_o ... I still love them though.
The third and last one is that type of music that is SO STUPID it makes your gut bubble, your nose swell, your eyes start to get runny and your tongue magically transforms into a 10 ton anvil. Yeah...it doesn't have to be good...just mindblowingly bad or stupefactiously creepy, check this out...
Delusion (pt1)
Word that the Shaman is in the possession of some unidentified, ancient looking artefacts got to me from a Christian preacher working with one of the Nubian tribes...
At least this is what I have heard from his friends and family.I tried to talk to the man in person but I just couldn't reach him.
I did not know-at the time- that the man was insane, and that his relatives only told me part of what the poor soul confessed to them in his hideous, bone-chilling seizures.He was sent home from Africa after he brutally murdered two of his former colleagues with nothing but some blunt cutlery.
As I embarked upon the ship that was supposed to carry me to the Egyptian Port of Safaga, one of the preacher's relatives (his wife would be my best guess) stopped me to give me the preacher's Journal. She said that it might prove useful to me, and that she would be relieved if she got rid of it anyway.
At least this is what I have heard from his friends and family.I tried to talk to the man in person but I just couldn't reach him.
I did not know-at the time- that the man was insane, and that his relatives only told me part of what the poor soul confessed to them in his hideous, bone-chilling seizures.He was sent home from Africa after he brutally murdered two of his former colleagues with nothing but some blunt cutlery.
As I embarked upon the ship that was supposed to carry me to the Egyptian Port of Safaga, one of the preacher's relatives (his wife would be my best guess) stopped me to give me the preacher's Journal. She said that it might prove useful to me, and that she would be relieved if she got rid of it anyway.
Back in England.
I'm Alive!!! OMGWTFBBQ. As you know I left for England yesterday evening.The whole journey-thing took only 5 1/2 hrs ( This including the horrible conditions from the Baneasa airport in Bucharest. I wouldn't recommend it as I hate it with my deepest being, and unless you like being treated like Cows in a slaughterhouse you won't like it either.If you have a choice go for Otopeni) Everything was great: Great weather in the UK, Awesome flight, nice clear sky...the check out was kinda creepy though. First of all the officer threw me a long, cold stare before deciding that I'm really the guy in the passport picture (Gosh! I really am another person then I was, now that I think about it!).then they thought that my guitar tuner was some kind of improvised grenade-bomb... But everything ended well.
Then we realised that we have nothing to eat, so we decided to go Tesco's .WE SPENT TWO HOURS IN THE PARKING LOT!!! We were going with the lightning-like speed of 1/4 a mile per hour!!!We got everything we needed then guess what?!? We had to take the car out of the parking lot...another 45 minutes. added up to how much we did from Luton to Westcliff and that's 4hrs ...3/4 of what going from Romania to the UK took us.
Then we realised that we have nothing to eat, so we decided to go Tesco's .WE SPENT TWO HOURS IN THE PARKING LOT!!! We were going with the lightning-like speed of 1/4 a mile per hour!!!We got everything we needed then guess what?!? We had to take the car out of the parking lot...another 45 minutes. added up to how much we did from Luton to Westcliff and that's 4hrs ...3/4 of what going from Romania to the UK took us.
Is World of Warcraft ruining RPGs?
I'd be a hypocrite to say that I don't like WoW.I do like it...well, I used to before Cata (that's probs just cause i used to play the most frustrating class in the game) ...but really, Is Wow destroying every trace of honest Roleplay? Well in my experience it does.
Let's just say that I was playing LoTRO one day and I was engaged by a hobbit who started to Roleplay around me...I was kinda confused so I started trolling him...It ended bad for me and I got a ban warning...(I think It happened because I called him a midget and told him to cut the crap of and bring me a beer...he was offended by this somehow...strange -_O) but then I tried to roleplay in the pony...people know. AND I LOVED IT!!!!!!!
Then I went back to Wow.got into a RP server,made a dwarf and God knows i was this (-) close to punching the screen when a gnome told me Gay cuz I asked him if he "wants to get some ale from the tavern and share a Tale." ...Well all of this is irrelevant right now...my motherboard is fried because i tried to play Perfect World with a friend...Suits me well...Trying to play cheap MMoRPGs ...just because was bored with Wow and LOTRO was too "HARDCORE!!!!" for my Pc. God, i suck.
Now i'm learning how to roleplay on this really cool site, roleplay gateway. I'm still figuring out how to use it and my Username is Loki96...so if you wanna meet just send me a mail on my ...email address.geezas!
Oh yeah and sorry for my Fail day...
I won't be able to post anything till Monday because: IMA BE ROLLING THROUGH THA' Countries ...(Like a boss ofc) Yeah i'm going back to England...I guess th holiday is over...anyways here's mah question for you:
What's your favorite RP stereotype?
rp= roleplay...FAIL. notice how the question is Bold, Italic AND underlined LIKE A BOSS!!!!
Then I went back to Wow.got into a RP server,made a dwarf and God knows i was this (-) close to punching the screen when a gnome told me Gay cuz I asked him if he "wants to get some ale from the tavern and share a Tale." ...Well all of this is irrelevant right now...my motherboard is fried because i tried to play Perfect World with a friend...Suits me well...Trying to play cheap MMoRPGs ...just because was bored with Wow and LOTRO was too "HARDCORE!!!!" for my Pc. God, i suck.
Now i'm learning how to roleplay on this really cool site, roleplay gateway. I'm still figuring out how to use it and my Username is Loki96...so if you wanna meet just send me a mail on my ...email address.geezas!
Oh yeah and sorry for my Fail day...
I won't be able to post anything till Monday because: IMA BE ROLLING THROUGH THA' Countries ...(Like a boss ofc) Yeah i'm going back to England...I guess th holiday is over...anyways here's mah question for you:
What's your favorite RP stereotype?
rp= roleplay...FAIL. notice how the question is Bold, Italic AND underlined LIKE A BOSS!!!!
Have you ever felt that the world spins around you? That the fabric of the Universe itself bends to your Fears, Needs and Wishes?
The following scraps of memory have been laid on paper on a very short notice. I apologize for any incertitudes that may result from it. But I feel like I have -or at least try- to explain what monstrous truths I have witnessed...or at least I think I did, on the night of the 23rd of May, 2002.
For if I don't, I feel like I might lose the last patch of sanity that I possess...or worse.
I shall start from the beginning.

My name is Victor Druchenski, I am an anthropologist. By the time the following events would unfold, I had just graduated from the cultural and social anthropology wing of the Odysseus University, California.
After I finished my studies, I managed to get in touch with a charitable group of volunteers whose main goal was to help the poor indigenous tribes of north Africa to adapt to the modern civilization.
I told them that I was willing to join them because I was interested in the traditional African culture and customs, they told me that I was free to do my research as long as I could also contribute to the assimilation plan.
I must admit that I had little to no concern for the actual project, my opinion always being that, as long as civilization accepted them, it was their choice to adapt or not, and no project could change this.
My true intent was to find and interrogate a Nubian shaman by the name of Abdul Alhazred.
The following scraps of memory have been laid on paper on a very short notice. I apologize for any incertitudes that may result from it. But I feel like I have -or at least try- to explain what monstrous truths I have witnessed...or at least I think I did, on the night of the 23rd of May, 2002.
For if I don't, I feel like I might lose the last patch of sanity that I possess...or worse.
I shall start from the beginning.
My name is Victor Druchenski, I am an anthropologist. By the time the following events would unfold, I had just graduated from the cultural and social anthropology wing of the Odysseus University, California.
After I finished my studies, I managed to get in touch with a charitable group of volunteers whose main goal was to help the poor indigenous tribes of north Africa to adapt to the modern civilization.
I told them that I was willing to join them because I was interested in the traditional African culture and customs, they told me that I was free to do my research as long as I could also contribute to the assimilation plan.
I must admit that I had little to no concern for the actual project, my opinion always being that, as long as civilization accepted them, it was their choice to adapt or not, and no project could change this.
My true intent was to find and interrogate a Nubian shaman by the name of Abdul Alhazred.
Can you imagine your life without music? I certainly can't. And I know there are millions of other people who can't.
A few days ago I was thinking about how my music preferences changed with time.
I found out that the answer was waaaaay more interesting than what I was expecting; well that's really one of my hobbies, breaking ideas apart and "splitting the straw into four" as we say in Romania.
I started like everyone does, with pop music and really everything that was on the radio at that time.
Then, by the time I was in 1st grade I was listening to rapp music and some Romanian Hip-Hop music.Again this was an increasingly popular genre. Then as I discovered Tolkien ( through the LotR movies tbh) my music tastes changed as well, I was starting to like classical and opera music.
Later on I found the Guns n' roses Use your illusion I and II , Spaghetti incident and Appetite for Destruction tapes ( yes good ol' fashion tapes), and I loved it. And that was the end of my "follow the trend" approach to music. Of course now I'm into more heavy stuff, but hey, I was only 7 at the time so...:P.A few years later I got into Marylin Manson, I don't regret it, but I'm not proud of it either. That's when I found out about commercial Show-offs. Now I'm listening to loads of thrash metal bands, my fave being Megadeth...
Now, that's not that interesting or special is it? I know. I mean, I told this to some of my 'metal' friends in Romania (where being 'metal' isn't common). All their stories were somewhat similar...(including the fantasy books part)
I think that Music doesn't only get you closer to people like you, but also gets you to people with similar backgrounds ...well, not a very special theory but still makes you think.
A few days ago I was thinking about how my music preferences changed with time.
I found out that the answer was waaaaay more interesting than what I was expecting; well that's really one of my hobbies, breaking ideas apart and "splitting the straw into four" as we say in Romania.
I started like everyone does, with pop music and really everything that was on the radio at that time.
Then, by the time I was in 1st grade I was listening to rapp music and some Romanian Hip-Hop music.Again this was an increasingly popular genre. Then as I discovered Tolkien ( through the LotR movies tbh) my music tastes changed as well, I was starting to like classical and opera music.
Later on I found the Guns n' roses Use your illusion I and II , Spaghetti incident and Appetite for Destruction tapes ( yes good ol' fashion tapes), and I loved it. And that was the end of my "follow the trend" approach to music. Of course now I'm into more heavy stuff, but hey, I was only 7 at the time so...:P.A few years later I got into Marylin Manson, I don't regret it, but I'm not proud of it either. That's when I found out about commercial Show-offs. Now I'm listening to loads of thrash metal bands, my fave being Megadeth...
Now, that's not that interesting or special is it? I know. I mean, I told this to some of my 'metal' friends in Romania (where being 'metal' isn't common). All their stories were somewhat similar...(including the fantasy books part)
I think that Music doesn't only get you closer to people like you, but also gets you to people with similar backgrounds ...well, not a very special theory but still makes you think.
What is Irony?
It's a question that I usually get from small children or non English-Speakers from Romania...in which case my answer is "Irony is when life gives you lemons, you sell them, become a millionaire and 10 years later you die because you weren't paying attention to the lemon-carrying truck." I'm usually told that the example could have been avoided or improved. But my point is usually proven.
Sometimes Irony is a pain in the backside...but as hard as it is for some people to appreciate it, it's one of the greatest spices of life. One of those things that underline the fact that life is supposed to be lived at its best and not 'thrown' away with idiotic past-times. But we still throw it away...and this is Irony in a nutshell.
What a freaking mindf--k.
What's your definition of Irony?

What a freaking mindf--k.
What's your definition of Irony?
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