I'd be a hypocrite to say that I don't like WoW.I do like it...well, I used to before Cata (that's probs just cause i used to play the most frustrating class in the game) ...but really, Is Wow destroying every trace of honest Roleplay? Well in my experience it does.
Let's just say that I was playing LoTRO one day and I was engaged by a hobbit who started to Roleplay around me...I was kinda confused so I started trolling him...It ended bad for me and I got a ban warning...(I think It happened because I called him a midget and told him to cut the crap of and bring me a beer...he was offended by this somehow...strange -_O) but then I tried to roleplay in the pony...people know. AND I LOVED IT!!!!!!!
Then I went back to Wow.got into a RP server,made a dwarf and God knows i was this (-) close to punching the screen when a gnome told me Gay cuz I asked him if he "wants to get some ale from the tavern and share a Tale." ...Well all of this is irrelevant right now...my motherboard is fried because i tried to play Perfect World with a friend...Suits me well...Trying to play cheap MMoRPGs ...just because was bored with Wow and LOTRO was too "HARDCORE!!!!" for my Pc. God, i suck.
Now i'm learning how to roleplay on this really cool site, roleplay gateway. I'm still figuring out how to use it and my Username is Loki96...so if you wanna meet just send me a mail on my ...email address.geezas!
Oh yeah and sorry for my Fail day...
I won't be able to post anything till Monday because: IMA BE ROLLING THROUGH THA' Countries ...(Like a boss ofc) Yeah i'm going back to England...I guess th holiday is over...anyways here's mah question for you:
What's your favorite RP stereotype?
rp= roleplay...FAIL. notice how the question is Bold, Italic AND underlined LIKE A BOSS!!!!
Then I went back to Wow.got into a RP server,made a dwarf and God knows i was this (-) close to punching the screen when a gnome told me Gay cuz I asked him if he "wants to get some ale from the tavern and share a Tale." ...Well all of this is irrelevant right now...my motherboard is fried because i tried to play Perfect World with a friend...Suits me well...Trying to play cheap MMoRPGs ...just because was bored with Wow and LOTRO was too "HARDCORE!!!!" for my Pc. God, i suck.
Now i'm learning how to roleplay on this really cool site, roleplay gateway. I'm still figuring out how to use it and my Username is Loki96...so if you wanna meet just send me a mail on my ...email address.geezas!
Oh yeah and sorry for my Fail day...
I won't be able to post anything till Monday because: IMA BE ROLLING THROUGH THA' Countries ...(Like a boss ofc) Yeah i'm going back to England...I guess th holiday is over...anyways here's mah question for you:
What's your favorite RP stereotype?
rp= roleplay...FAIL. notice how the question is Bold, Italic AND underlined LIKE A BOSS!!!!
Rolplaeing is for FAGS!!!:))))
ReplyDeleteYou are a FAG:))))
Shhhhtt. I'm roleplaying a dumb American kid. Or Teo.
=)) nice one =)))))(shhhh ima roleplay a crazy fat kid whose scared of random things)