
Auditions incoming!!!!

I just wanted to tell you that I'm planning to start a band...a real one would be awesome...(haters will hate).
That being said, I need two people for this: a drummer and ...well I'm not sure yet but I'll let you know when I come to a conclusion.
I'm looking for people who have enough experience to play some technically difficult songs, mainly metal, jazz, hard rock and instrumental rock. Ages 14-16 ...Now I'm not really prepared to stick to only one type of music so adaptability is preferable...
I currently live in Westcliff on sea, Essex :/ just remember...You need your own instruments for this...(duuh)
           If you are interested in participating in the auditions then...send me a mail and I'll contact you.
Oh, and we haven't come up with a name for the band yet sooooooo......If you have an idea just post it in a comment...who knows...


How to write a song.

One way to do it is to close your eyes think real hard about who or what you are writing the song about.
Is it going to be a sad or dark song? Then take a look at this (minor scales).
Is it going to be a happy, light hearted song? Then think about writing it in a major scale.

Now I'm assuming that you aren't interested in a full-on music theory lesson so I'm going to put it like this:
First think about a tune. Doesn't matter if it's already taken by someone in a song. Now, think about adjectives that describe your song's subject.
Try and fit that tune into a scale. You can always use adjacent or complementary notes if it doesn't exactly fit into  it...and if it really can't be changed start playing with the tune until you get something that sounds okay, the best way to do it is to use metamorphosis, (meaning you just change it one note at a time ) 
If you play an instrument you might wanna think about adding some pentatonic licks to your composition. And why not go even further? Develop your song by learning the diatonic scales and modes nothing easier, as there are only seven of them :
Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian and the dreaded Locrian.

Now that you have the modes covered why not go even further than even further learn all about cadences and  how to use them in different contexts, enter the wonderful world of enharmonic relations and develop your music vocabulary by learning the chinese, Indian, Arabic,Romanian,Hungarian,Bulgarian,Slavic,Islamic and African(aka pentatonic minor) scales!!!
All in all this shouldn't take you more than 9-12 months to learn!
If this is too complicated for you than read through our next method:  

Learn four first position chords preferably major, do not make the mistake of leaning a 7th chord.You will never use it
Come out with some lyrics about 
a) Getting drunk and partying
b) Impossible love 
c) Impossible drunkness
d) Loving someone but not being able to confess because you are too drunk
e) Learning the Alphabet
Now mix the shit out of those 4 chords you learnt until you find a good combo.Don't bother about the rhythm...make it as basic as you can 

Either way you do it you can now enjoy a very successful musical career. 

If you followed the 2nd method then expect to get a massive amount of fans and money!!!!

I hope this helped. 


Mixing is bad

I Won't be mixing the "Delusion" series with my pointless blabbering anymore =)) so from now i'll only post the Delusion series and other fictive stories on this blog.
If you still want to check out my personal blog you can find it here, most of it is in Romanian at the moment but i'm onlygoing to post in english from now on...(well not really but...anyway)

Delusion (pt2)

    I was genuinely surprised by the woman's choice to leave her "unreachable" husband's journal to my custody. I was even more baffled by the manuscript's contents. As it turns out, the events that were recorded in it were stretched out on a period of 13 months.But I specifically recalled that the preacher's residence in the Nhutbian tribe was longer than a year and a half.
   I immediately began the study of the manuscript.This is when I had my first glimpse of the horrific realities that I   would so soon discover...
   The preacher's name was John Barry Bowers, he worked as an religious colonist for the I.C.A-The International Conservative Association- his job was to help the last few members of the North African tribes to adhere to the nearest urban or rural areas and to help them understand how the world works around them while conserving and recording their traditions and rituals. He was supposed to focus on the last untouched Nhutbian tribes, and record their behaviour, and to teach them Christianity's basics.
   His first four months were spent in the presence of a bigger tribe, the only thing that was worth a second look from his recordings were two days in April when the whole tribe suddenly entered a state of complete idleness that later evolved into a very aggressive-"berserkish"-fever. The records state that in those two days the tribesmen were acting like savage beasts for exactly three hours, followed by another three hours of idleness and so on, every eight hours a sixth of them fell into a deep trance from which they couldn't be awaken. One of the savages suddenly attacked him during one of the tribe's berserk fits, Mr. Bowers was able to react and to immobilise the tribesman until the idleness part of the cycle began again.
After the second day of madness ended the tribesmen who were engulfed in that deep trance awoke.
None of them could remember anything that happened in the previous two days, not even the Nhutbian who attacked John.

Strange as hell.Essex girls

 I went to that party I was telling you about on Friday... It wasn't the kind of party you would normally expect from England...at least not the kind that I was expecting when I was invited. But it was a really really nice party.
  The most interesting thing about it was a group of seven or so girls ( Yes...like many "foreigners" I am not used to talking to English people let alone girls),who kept on hitting on me and my friend Alfie (English born/Aussie state of mind)...which was pretty awkward as the party was really very ...childish. And me and Alfie were clearly older than most of the children there. They said that they really liked us ( the word they used was "fancy"...i'm still learning what exactly that means...also there is a word- "peng"- wth is that????comment if u know) So yeah...they gave us their numbers ( which we pretended to save as they looked like the kind of girl u wouldn't wanna know) and said that we should hang around...
   My feelings towards this were these:
1.I was somewhat flattered
2.I was disgusted by how easy the go
3.I was afraid that they would turn into zombies and eat our brains.
4.Just...baffled by their..."slut-iness"
   But we decided to just wait and see what happens without actually doing anything.Eventually they asked for my name ...asked for theirs without actually be interested. then my age...15...they didn't believe...and that was about it...me and alfie were both treated as pedos from there on ...we laughed...a lot, made fun of them and that it...I wouldn't have talked to them anyway ...these horrible beings of a naive nature...these DUM DUM DUM!!!!! ESSEX GIRLS