I went to that party I was telling you about on Friday... It wasn't the kind of party you would normally expect from England...at least not the kind that I was expecting when I was invited. But it was a really really nice party.
The most interesting thing about it was a group of seven or so girls ( Yes...like many "foreigners" I am not used to talking to English people let alone girls),who kept on hitting on me and my friend Alfie (English born/Aussie state of mind)...which was pretty awkward as the party was really very ...childish. And me and Alfie were clearly older than most of the children there. They said that they really liked us ( the word they used was "fancy"...i'm still learning what exactly that means...also there is a word- "peng"- wth is that????comment if u know) So yeah...they gave us their numbers ( which we pretended to save as they looked like the kind of girl u wouldn't wanna know) and said that we should hang around...
My feelings towards this were these:
1.I was somewhat flattered
2.I was disgusted by how easy the go
3.I was afraid that they would turn into zombies and eat our brains.
4.Just...baffled by their..."slut-iness"
But we decided to just wait and see what happens without actually doing anything.Eventually they asked for my name ...asked for theirs without actually be interested. then my age...15...they didn't believe...and that was about it...me and alfie were both treated as pedos from there on ...we laughed...a lot, made fun of them and that it...I wouldn't have talked to them anyway ...these horrible beings of a naive nature...these DUM DUM DUM!!!!! ESSEX GIRLS
My feelings towards this were these:
1.I was somewhat flattered
2.I was disgusted by how easy the go
3.I was afraid that they would turn into zombies and eat our brains.
4.Just...baffled by their..."slut-iness"
But we decided to just wait and see what happens without actually doing anything.Eventually they asked for my name ...asked for theirs without actually be interested. then my age...15...they didn't believe...and that was about it...me and alfie were both treated as pedos from there on ...we laughed...a lot, made fun of them and that it...I wouldn't have talked to them anyway ...these horrible beings of a naive nature...these DUM DUM DUM!!!!! ESSEX GIRLS
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