I know it's been a long time, and I missed you too but summer was upon me and I had to take a break for the sake of staying sane. We all know that the summer holidays here in England are shorter than in the rest of Europe so spending the little I was given on anything PC-related would have turned me into a depressed-zombie-with-personality-issues. Or at least increase the level of depressed-zombie-with-personality-issues-ness that I have already reached.
I must add that i haven't found a band yet. Who knows...maybe I'm destined to be a lone shredder, going from band to band playing a few songs and then hunting some ninja turtles.
Anyways on another note, I'm happy I actually got to experience ... Life while I was in SH*. I did literally everything EVERYTHING from a to z you name it, I'll write about all of it when im less tired =))!!!
And I'm happy to say I'm happy right now...Although the thought that there's going to be another full year before I'll be able to go through this again since socializing went quite poorly for me in England...*sight* lets just say it kills it.
Anyway I have posted a new Jam video on Youtube and I'm planning to start recording my other songs once I get some decent recording gear.
Don't forget to follow and comment!
* = Summer Holiday in cool-people-language
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